How do I think they should handle it though? Well first, I think the environments should be larger & darker (kind of like "SLY 2"). Second, I think the way the graphics should be done is having the levels cell shaded, but the characters are not. Third, I don't think the new playable characters from "SLY 3" should return (except Penelope, because she's Bentley's girlfriend), because the third game was way to overblown with playable characters, that it overpowered the playability of Sly. Fourth, Alesia Glidwwell should play Carmelita Fox again. Fifth, the gang of villains that Sly has to fight is one large evil corporation with a complicated plot for world domination (what made "SLY 2" so interesting was the villains' evil plot). And sixth, the story should be somewhat darker. There could be emotional conflict when Carmelita finds out Sly was faking the amnesia. Maybe Sly & Carmelita will have to choose what side to be on, with the law or the with the outlaws. So yes, it will come out, but when will it come out? Only I know that, and I'll tell you when that is. While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand....while the waves crash in the sea and meet the land....while there's a wind & the stars & the rainbow....until the mountains crumble into the plain! Okay, maybe I don't know when it'll come out, but I couldn't help but make a Queen reference. So yeah, that's what I think "SLY 4" should be.
But lets talk about the spin-off games. One game that would be interesting that I have an idea for is "The Adventures of Sly Cooper". This game would be everything from Sly's first heist, to what happens right before "SLY 4". How would the story go? well, first it's Sly's first heist leading up to the beginning of "SLY 1", then it's everything between "SLY 1" & "Sly 2", then everything between "SLY 2" & "SLY 3" & Sly's carrier as an interpol officer between "SLY 3" & "SLY 4". "Carmelita Fox" could also be interesting as well. She is an important part of the "Sly Cooper" universe, so it would be interesting to put more depth into the character. It would start with Carmelita's first job as a police officer, all the stuff that she did when the player wouldn't see her in trilogy, and ends with a cliff hanger for "SLY 4".

Well, I hope you like My suggestions, and I hope someone from Sucker Punch is reading this and getting concepts for the fourth game. This is "the G-MAN" signing out!
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